Would you buy from this guy?

Posted: February 21, 2011 in Uncategorized

Do Customers T.R.U.S.T. You?

Don’t act or talk like this guy!

Selling is an art and a science. Get trained in the science and art of selling and become your customers trusted adviser right in the beginning of the selling process by following the ……………….. T.R.U.S.T. model:

T ruly qualify (Is this the right prospect, customer or client for your product, program, or process?)

R eal understanding (Discussing customers problems shows them that you understand them and that you care enough to learn about them)

U se education (Show customer why the problem exists and how some of the current solutions are not working)

S timulate possiblities (Paint a picture of what things could be like when the problem is solved)

T ransition through (Invite the customer to take the next step)

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